EMETS Medical Education Programmes

Mark Ocepek

NRP/PMD/LEO/SWAT/TCCC EMETS Lead Tactical Instructor/EMETSEEI Owner & VP/Lead EMT & Paramedic Instructor

Mark is one of the finest in his craft as a law enforcement officer/SWAT medic and Tactical Instructor. Having served in the Navy, Mark join our ranks about 10 years ago, we are so very honored to have him on our team!

EMETS prides itself on seeing the future of EMS and bringing goals to fruition. Budget minded providers will certainly appreciate course content and cost, and risk managers will immediately recognize a decrease in liabilities assumed because an outside professional agency was contracted to perform the training. For information on courses, our instructors, our credentials, or our training philosophy, please contact us.

Contact us

Emergency Medical Education & Technology Systems
1016 Florida Avenue S.
Rockledge, FL 32955
[email protected]

EMETS Medical Education Programmes